Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Autobiography priatna.s


My name is priatna santoro usually in call nana. I ' m of the male sex and born on august 14th november 1993. My father rojali, while mother nursanti, a housewife is good. I ' m the fourth son of four brothers i started to enroll to elementary school the age of six. I ' m in input in elementary school budidarma 1 a fairly close of the house. Can i remember, when i was a elementary school, i was a child sufficient hussy.

After graduating from elementary school, I proceeded to the MTs AS’SYAFI’IYAH 05 BEKASI. I entered in the mts by my parents because my parents wanted me to understand about religion. And after I graduated finally resumed at MAN 18 EAST JAKARTA who used is the class of MAN 9.

And there many interesting anecdote that i natural because my friends assembled in the same class, moreover we are mischievous we sometimes ever truant together and be called the tutor together and all that just held in first grade. When we got on kekelas two we are not who like a truant and always strives for duties our is increasing, when i in man i know music deeper and form a band we also had invited in each show farewell kaka class to appear and the end we always perform in the event farewell including in the event farewell i and including also occasions music etc.

And after I graduated I gunadarma University and went on to major in psychology and faculty currently taking his new semester two and I hope I was able to become an accomplished student who though it was quite difficult and also I hope was able to complete the studies I quickly without having to repeat.

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